Read more about Amanda Rivas
Ms. Rivas has over 13 years of experience as a licensed clinical social work who has a multi-lingual and multicultural background. She is familiar with a range of groups, including LGBTQ+, individuals with addiction issues, those who have suffered of domestic violence, sexual abuse in intimate relationships, etc. Since the beginning of 2019 she has been working with Mrs. Rivas is serving Erie's clients. She is currently offering Telehealth Behavioral Health services. Dr. Rivas is part of the Behavioral Health Perinatal team which focuses on postpartum and pregnant women. She specializes in trauma-informed treatment and an EMDR treatment for adults. She also offers Group and individual therapy, Medication-assisted treatment program, Referral for specialty care, Women's support group. Amanda is also a volunteer at Best Friends Animal Society, aiding homeless animals to find permanent homes. She believes wholeheartedly in Best Friends slogan Save Them everyone and has a passion for helping to make Los Angeles a city with zero killing. Amanda is a great steward of each day and constantly pushes herself to reach the goals she has set and to achieve the goals she has set for herself. Stein Entertainment Group is Amanda's manager.

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